Category Archives: Photographs

Candy Cane Greetings

All I want for Christmas is…a NEW printer! Wow. If there isn’t one thing to put me in a “Grinch-like” mood this holiday season, it’s a printer that doesn’t want to cooperate! Bah humbug!

Christmas cards this year have been anything less than, well…easy. After coming home from a long trip in Europe and being incredibly crunched for time, my hope was to create a “card” that was simple in design, but cute and quirky.  I wanted to include one of the photographs from our anniversary shoot taken this August with the amazing photography duo: Monica and Seth (love you guys!) of MoHines Photography, and also wanted to incorporate candy canes somehow…I think they are the most adorable thing this side of the North Pole!

After a bit of hair pulling, and some not so kind words shouted from the top of my lungs towards my printer including a lot of angry button pushing, I was able to convince my printer to half-crookedly (hmph!) print Christmas cards. I’d had the goal to make the cards very much greeting like (you know the open and close kind), but had to settle (one thing I am definitely NOT good at) for flat cards instead. I added candy cane liners to bright spruce colored envelopes and…voila! Our Christmas cards are officially in the mail! Happy Holidays everyone!

Front of card includes snippets from some of mine and Adam’s favorite holiday jingles…

Under the photograph on the back I added a holiday greeting, as well as the answers to the Holiday Tune quiz : )

P.S. Bailie Bug wants to wish you a VERY Merry Christmas!


Filed under Envelope Liners, Greeting Cards, Holiday, Personalized, Photographs

Mom’s Day

Celebrating Moms just seems like a no brainer. Moms are fantastic. They may drive us bonkers many times throughout our lives, but when I reflect back on all of my fondest moments spent with my Mom all I can do is smile.

My Mom  has been one of my biggest supporters and someone I strive to make proud. My Mom has been there through all of the ups and downs in my life and had such a tremendous part in creating who I am today. She is probably the most creative person I know and I am aware that any ounce of “craftiness” that I possess,  is a direct reflection of her. I miss my Mom all the time (she lives in Albuquerque – hopefully soon back in CO) and the distance seems to get even farther apart the longer I spend away from “home.”  I always know, though, that my Ma is just a phone call away…phew!

In the past year I have also gained a new Mom as well. My mother-in-law, Linda, is an amazing woman and I am so blessed to have her in my life. She did a BEYOND FANTASTIC job of raising the man I married, and I am so lucky to have such a kind, thoughtful, and supportive mom-in-law.

I wanted to make some Mother’s Day cards for the two moms in my life, and I wanted to personalize them in a way that included pictures from mine and Adam’s childhoods. The card I made for my mom includes a photograph taken by my Uncle Mike when I was only a toddler. It is one of my all time favorites and is one that makes me giggle every time I see it. The card I made for Linda includes a photo of Adam wearing Mickey Mouse ears during a family vacation to Disney Land. The look on his face is so mischievous and a look I’m sure he gave Linda many times before and after the picture was taken.

Happy Mother’s Day Mom and Linda. I am so grateful for the both of you and I love you so much! Thanks for all that you do!

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Filed under Greeting Cards, Holiday, Personalized, Photographs, Unique Paper Prints